Exploring, learning, questioning everything…

The past two weeks have been mind-bending, to say the least. In August, I finished reading ONE novel….which I started last September. Needless to say, the adjustment has been huge. I’ve quickly realized as well, that this Masters is going to be a lot moreĀ personal than I was anticipating. I’m not sure what I thought was going to happen, but I’m already seeing that this year is going to be one of huge personal growth, full of challenges, and evolution in every aspect of the way I see the world. Stay tuned for a separate post on that to come. Phew, buckle up folks!

Side note: If you’ve never been to the Indigenous student centre on Albert St, you should go. I spent 1.5hrs there today buried in books and emerged with way more than I could ever read. There is EVERYTHING you could possibly want to know about Indigenous people, not just in Canada but around the world. I’ve already asked if I can keep coming back after this degree is done….they aren’t sure. Check it out everyone! -Niki

2 thoughts on “Exploring, learning, questioning everything…

  1. I think I counted 19 books there, Niki! Better pace yourself or you’ll end up looking like Dylan’s photos.

    That looks like a wonderful resource and I’d love to talk to you more about what your learning.

    PS I have a similar pile of books. I might take a picture but that might seem like a bizarre competitive thing! Or it might be fun for everyone to post their book pile photo, as an initiation ritual.

  2. Very cool photo! I must admit, I’m generally not much of a reader so the pic also reminds me of how shellshocked I’m feeling at this point….

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